Beginnjahr 2001 Abschlussjahr 2003


durchführende Institutionen


ProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen
Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter DeutschCurriculum, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Bildungswesen, internationale Zusammenarbeit, Alphabetisierung

The development project MODICM aims at the development and evaluation of a curriculum. This curriculum consists of basic learning material to develop ICT competence in multinationally composed learning groups by dealing with issues of educational relevance in an all-European perspective.The curriculum has been developed jointly by an international group and will be assessed in the same format.


Content analysis, analysis of mail protocols, assessment of ICT skills.


Work in progress. Results of alpha-version promising.

Erhebungstechniken und Auswahlverfahren

More than 400 students have been involved in this project.

Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
Schulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen