Beginnjahr 2018 Abschlussjahr 2020


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen finanzierende Institutionen


Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter DeutschLesen, Testen und Bewerten
Schlagwörter Englischreading, testing, Text features

The Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck has been awarded a Research into Reading Grant by the British Council and Metametrics to investigate the text characteristics of Aptis tests and the text and task features of first semester undergraduate university reading materials as well as the relationship between these test scores and indices.


This study investigated to what extent the complexity of EMI university reading materials matches EMI students’ reading proficiency at three different universities in Austria, Egypt and Lithuania. Text complexity and student proficiency were compared utilizing the Lexile© Framework for Reading text measures and reading scores based on Aptis test results. Student questionnaire data and data from interviews with EMI lecturers was collected to investigate perceived reading difficulties and how they are explained or mediated in these contexts.

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Lehren und Lernen (Prozesse und Methoden)
Evaluation und Beratung
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