Projekttitel | th Kurztitel | Beginnjahr | Abschlussjahr | Ansprechperson | beteiligte Institutionen | Anzeigen |
Preventing and Combatting Racism and Xenophobia through Social Orientation of Non-Nationals | RACCOMBAT | 2017 | 2019 | Meier, Isabella | Asociatia pro Refugiu, Canter for the Study of Democracy, Centre for European Constitutional Law, Providus Centre for Public Policy, UNI ETC - European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (Universität Graz), Universität Graz, University of Antwerp | Details in Bifodok |
Developing Directive-compatible practices for the identification, assessment and referral of victims | ViCT | 2016 | 2018 | Meier, Isabella | Center for the Study of Democracy, Centre for Criminal Justice at the University of Limerick, Centre for European Constitutional Law, Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs, Europäische Kommission, Institute of Baltic Studies, UNI ETC - European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (Universität Graz), Universität Graz | Details in Bifodok |
Antidiscrimination policies successfully implemented | ADPOLIS | 2016 | 2018 | Starl, Klaus | Centre for European Constitutional Law, Cidalia, European Coalition of Cities against Racism, Legal Defence Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities (NEKI), Stockholm University, UNI ETC - European Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (Universität Graz), Universität Graz, University of Padova | Details in Bifodok |