Beginnjahr 2021 Abschlussjahr 2022


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch, Englisch
Schlagwörter DeutschDemokratieerziehung, politische Teilhabe, Buchprojekt, Lernende Organisation, Lernumfeld

Institutions and organizations are places of participation, they are learning places and places for the deliberation and development of the common good. It is in this latter sense that we look at institutions and organizations that involve people at various stage of the life course. We analyze and critically discuss which concepts of participation are meaningful in these contexts, how and how successfully they are implemented, and which obstacles to establishing and living a participative and democratic community are encountered.


Book Project 2021. Call for papers for an edited book 2022


Dr. Reingard Spannring, University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Smidt, University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education

Dr. Christine Unterrainer, University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
Bildungswesen (Themenfeld)
Lehren und Lernen (Prozesse und Methoden)
Politik, Gesetzgebung, Öffentliche Verwaltung
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen