Beginnjahr 2018 | Abschlussjahr 2021 |
Institutionendurchführende Institutionen finanzierende InstitutionenPersonenProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen |
Ländercode Österreich | Sprachcode Deutsch | |
Schlagwörter Deutsch | Chancengleichheit, Requalifizierung, Lehrkräfte mit Fluchthintergrund, international ausgebildete Lehrkräfte | |
Schlagwörter Englisch | requalification, internationally trained teachers | |
Abstrakt | In times of increased migration since 2015, Europe has become a central destination for a high number of migrants and refugees worldwide. Sweden, Germany and Austria are the main target countries for many recently immigrated people from conflict and war zones. Within this group also teachers have come to Europe. The possibilities to acknowledge the qualifications of these highly skilled migrants vary according to the respective national migration policy and the structures of teacher education. Most of these internationally educated professionals cannot work as teachers in the host country without further qualification. | |
Internet (pages + downloads) | ||
Hauptkategorie(n) | Bildungswesen (Themenfeld) Soziales Umfeld (Gesellschaft, Kultur, Sprache und Religion) Schulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen | |
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen |