Beginnjahr 2005 Abschlussjahr 2009


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


Ländercode Sprachcode
Schlagwörter Deutschblended teaching/learning

This project aims at the extension of our library of reusable Patterns for effective blended teaching/learning scenarios and their technical support in the form of open-source web services. Furthermore, interfaces to Web-CT shall be established to enable tool integration. The project’s primary goal is to support both staff and learners by facilitating effective blended learning processes. From the research perspective we investigate the application of recent web service technology in academic education, promote and extend visual modeling (Patterns, Layered Architectures) approaches to learning, and contribute to the integration of technical and social theories, methods and factors in order to improve the quality of learning.

The rising requirements of our knowledge society make e-learning a core component in knowledge acquisition and lifelong learning. At the same time a current study among graduates reveals that they learn, in the first place, from their colleagues! Hence, in this project we aim at the development, visualization and support of effective person-centred and web-based learning scenarios. These should provide an optimal interface between presence and distance, between the intuitive and the intellectual, and between persons and groups.

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Lehren und Lernen (Prozesse und Methoden)
Evaluation und Beratung
Information, Kommunikation, Statistik
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