Beginnjahr 2011 Abschlussjahr 2013


durchführende Institutionen


ProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen
Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter DeutschReflexionskompetenz, Elektroenzephalografie, RIFE, SURE
Schlagwörter EnglischElectroencephalography, Reflection competence, Reflection Instrument for Education, Subjective Relevance

(Documentation and dissemination language of the project is English.)

The main objective of this project is to classify different reflection processes in the brain. Therefore, studies with electroencephalography (EEG) will be conducted while participants perform several reflection tasks.
In a preliminary study (cf. Reitinger, Braunstein, Reichetseder, Schmalnauer & Steidl 2012, in print), closed in December 2011, the research team already showed that qualitatively different reflection processes can be differentiated in the brain. While 22 participants reflected certain school related situations taken from the RIFE (Reflection Instrument for Education; Weinberger & Seyfried 2009), the EEG was measured. The upper Alpha frequency band (10 – 12Hz) was sensitive to differentiate between divergent thinking trials (reflections with observer awareness) and associations (reflections) without observer awareness. Preliminary results showed that reflections categorized as interpretations with observer awareness are associated with lower Upper-Alpha-power in the EEG than reflections categorized as interpretations without observer awareness (ib., p. 5-7; cf. Fink, Grabner, Benedek & Neubauer 2006). Furthermore, interaction effects between female and male participants were found.
The results of this preliminary study provided first evidence of different brain processes during reflection. However, a larger and a more homogeneous sample should be considered. Pronounced differences in intelligence and creativity should be seen critical and therefore balanced. In a next step an additional group will be added to proof that a special reflection training program will enhance reflection performance and therefore also affect brain activity in Upper-Alpha-power. The architecture of this extended study design that should be elaborated until 2013 is outlined in the following paragraphs.

ErgebnisseFor the current study a higher internal validity can be ensured due to several planned pretests and the applicability of a more flexible EEG-apparatus. The research team expects to verify the preliminary results of the mentioned predecessor study within the current study. In case of success the study results would bring a new evidence-based domain of cognitive psychology (brain activity while reflecting) into the interdisciplinary discourse.
Erhebungstechniken und AuswahlverfahrenIn a first step, 150 students of a teacher training college between 18 and 25 years will be asked to complete tests for the assessment of intelligence and creativity. In a second step, a homogeneous group concerning intelligence and creativity score of at least 44 persons (male:female = 50:50)  will be extracted and then randomly assigned for either the experimental group that will take part in a reflection training program or to the control group without a training.
During a first reflection setting, a modified version of RIFE (Reflection Instrument for Education; Weinberger & Seyfried 2009), the brain activity of the participants of both the experimental group and the control group will be measured and later compared with the related categorized levels of the participants´ reflections.
After the first reflection setting the experimental group will get a special reflection training program called SURE (Subjective Relevance; cf. Seyfried 2002).
In a final project phase both groups will perform the same reflection setting as before while EEG is measured for a second time. Expected changes in reflection levels as well as Upper-Alpha-power will be examined to verify or to discard the hypotheses.

Publikationen (+ link zum OBV)
  • Fink, A., Grabner, R.H., Benedek, M. & Neubauer, A.C. (2006). Divergent thinking training is related to frontal electroencephalogram alpha synchronization. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (8), S. 2241-2246.
    Link zum Bibliotheken Verbund
  • Reitinger, J., Braunstein, V., Reichetseder, T., Schmalnauer, T. & Steidl, E. (2012, in print). Das reflektierende Gehirn – Elektroenzephalografieforschung im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojektes von Forscher/-innen und Studierenden an einer österreichischen Pädagogischen Hochschule. Schulpädagogik heute. Onlinezeitschrift, 3 (5), S. 1-13, (01-03-2011).
  • Seyfried, C. (2002). Subjektive Relevanz als Ausgangspunkt für reflexive Arbeit in der Schule. In K. Klement, A. Lobendanz & H. Teml (Hrsg.): Schulpraktische Studien. (S. 39-52). Innsbruck: Studienverlag.
    Link zum Bibliotheken Verbund
  • Weinberger, A. & Seyfried C. (2009). RIFE: Reflection Instrument for Education. Salzburger Beiträge zur Erziehungswissenschaft. 13(1+2), S. 83-94, Universität Salzburg.
    Link zum Bibliotheken Verbund
Hauptkategorie(n)Lehren und Lernen (Prozesse und Methoden)
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