Beginnjahr 2009 Abschlussjahr 2009


durchführende Institutionen finanzierende Institutionen


ProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen
Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Englisch
Schlagwörter Deutschakademische Mobilität, Visionen von Europa, Inhaltsanalyse
Schlagwörter Englischacademic exchange, vision of Europe, contentanalysis

The initiative „Europe Now“ provides the opportunity for exchange students to take part in a competition called “How exchange changed my life”. This competition is open for all students who have a European experience in student exchange. The ambition is to refer the experiences and ideas concerning visions for Europe and the own professional outlook. The outcome of the rounds 1 and 2 have been analysed by a qualitative content analysis.
The paper is divided into five main chapters featuring the students, their origin, their experiences and their vision regarding Europe. Most emphasis is on the students’ vision of Europe and their professional outlook. In the first place the group of the participating students is described regarding their personal background, their field of study, their home and host institutions and the length of their stay. The second chapter deals with the benefits and changes the students experienced during their exchange time. In chapter three the students’ impressions of the actual life in the EU are discussed. The biggest part of the paper deals with the students’ vision of Europe. They explained their ideas and suggestions for a better life, their plans and hopes for the future. Some students wrote about visions for Europe in general, other explicitly about visions for the EU. The last part is all about the professional outlook from a wide point of view – some students have already specific job perspectives, others described ideas and dreams of their future.

MethodeThe analysis was done with the assistance of a software for professional text analysis. The 31 texts were analysed in terms of the different topics mentioned there. For every new topic a new category was built and a code was allocated to the according paragraph in the text. Every single text was coded concerning relevant topics. Every according paragraph was allocated to an according category. For every category subcategories were built within the same procedure to extract relevant attributes and dimensions. The output was a comprehensive system of different categories built from paragraphs of all 31 texts. The study is based on this system of categories. Original quotas were used to get a better view of the students’ experiences.
ErgebnisseThe students experienced their exchange time as something they would never want to miss. They could gain various experiences and discovered a lot of personal changes. During their stay in the host countries the students got aware of the reality there and compared these impressions with their experiences gained in their own countries. Although the students realised some differences between countries, cultures and people in Europe, they got the impression that living and working together in peace is possible. The biggest part of the essays dealt with the students’ vision of Europe. The most mentioned and detailed visions can be summarised under the header “tolerance”. Tolerance contains freedom of thought, multiculturalism and education and exchange programs. A second important vision is the wish of being a European in one big society. Europe is seen as a mixture of contacts, memories and hopes. The commonalities are experienced stronger than the differences. The third important notion of vision is peace. Peace is seen as basic aim in the European Union and perceived as precondition for common growth. Another vision of the students is a closer cooperation within the EU to promote for example peacekeeping and economic cooperation. The notion of standardisation is mentioned as a further vision. Standardisation should take place in the fields of labour, education, economy and traffic respectively transport. The last frequently mentioned visionary notion is the function of the EU as a role model for other blocks of countries. The last part of this paper deals with the professional outlook of the students. Some detailed their dreams, others their concrete job-perspectives. Many of the students want to continue their experiences in a foreign European country or have the desire to work in a foreign European country in different professional fields with the approach to learn more about another culture and to practice foreign languages. Kann freigegeben werden
Hauptkategorie(n)Soziales Umfeld (Gesellschaft, Kultur, Sprache und Religion)
Bildungstheorie (Themenfeld)
Geographische Einheiten
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