Beginnjahr 2004 Abschlussjahr 2006


durchführende Institutionen finanzierende Institutionen


ProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen
Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch

In general educational systems throughout Europe offer basic courses for consultants but without specialization on internationalization. The innovative training concept of “Internationalization Consulting” is a broad modern blended learning concept. Methods like self-directed learning, face to face trainings, project and case oriented methods, E-Learning, individual coaching and learning of experiences are combined. The background of the project called “Internationalization Consulting”, in short “INCO”, is the tendency of increasing foreign trade in the European countries. The last expansion of the European Union led to the opening of new markets. Foreign trade is necessary for a successful economic nation. Competition is constantly more severe and increasing. The European economies consist to a large extent of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises face the strategic challenge to develop strategies for entering new foreign markets in order to remain competitive. It is imperative to be well informed about new markets as well as to arrange activities abroad. In this case economic specialist e.g. management consultants with the appropriate knowledge are essential. The current situation demands improvement. Consultants have to know their clients’ foreign activities, have to see the chances and risks of international competitiveness and have to develop the strategies for market entry.In the context of this project a new curriculum for “Internationalization Consulting” will be developed in order to get this specific knowledge. A consortium of eight international partners from seven countries was formed. They are working together on a pilot project in the field of internationalization consulting. This project, called INCO, is co-funded by the European Commission under the Leonardo da Vinci programme. In the framework of this project, Austrian, Czech, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Swedish partners professionally contributed to the creation of a training and qualification system which helps European SMEs in their efforts to appear on international markets. The project team integrates expertise and experience alike in fields of higher education, e-learning, management and legal consulting, curriculum development, and vocational training. With the aim of developing a curriculum employing new learning and teaching materials delivered through state of the art methods each consortium member contributed significantly to the success of the project and the products developed therein. The significance of the specific composition of the consortium is shown in the collaborative development of the INCO curriculum. The mix between Universities of Applied Science, Business Schools, e-learning experts, consulting companies and end-users produced results, which employ the best of both worlds, namely of scientific approaches and practical experiences.-Furthermore the establishment of the consortium for INCO creates a sound basis for interaction between SMEs and consultants.


Based on research findings from literature and database research a questionnaire was developed. Descriptive analysis was undertaken to identify the main needs of the target groups for a training programme. Based on the results plus expert input a pilot training was established and tested in Rome, Budapest and Graz. Feedback was collected in a standardized form via questionnaires. A final curriculum was then created incorporating all previously gathered experiences.


Curriculum for Internationalization Consultants; International Conference; Project reports; Survey on SMEs and Consultants in Europe; Website ( Learning Platform E-Learning and Presence Learning Content

Erhebungstechniken und Auswahlverfahren

Broad based literature and database research and empirical research in the form of an online survey for consultants and SMEs

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Soziales Umfeld (Gesellschaft, Kultur, Sprache und Religion)
Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
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