Beginnjahr 2011 Abschlussjahr 2014


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen finanzierende Institutionen


Ländercode Europa, Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch, Englisch
Schlagwörter DeutschMenschenrechte, Hochschulbildung, europäische Zusammenarbeit

EUHAP builds on the EU project European Universities on Professionalization of Humanitarian Action (EUPRHA, 2011-2014) and contributes to the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training and the European Agenda for Modernisation of Higher Education through a humanitarian partnership between higher education institutions and key humanitarian employers to promote the exchange of best and innovative practices and improve the quality and efficiency of education and training in order to boost skills/competences, increase employability and improve opportunities of young people in the field of humanitarian action. It consists of a consortium of European partners within the framework of the NOHA, an International Association of Universities that aims to enhance professionalism in the Humanitarian sector. The project aims at facilitating the validation and recognition of humanitarian qualifications, identifying learning pathways and developing clear progression routes from vocational and other education types in the humanitarian sector to higher education. The project will improve access to humanitarian education and training through a greater variety in modes of delivery and the development and dissemination of Open Educational Resources, promote a transnational community of knowledge and practice by developing an interactive platform of Humanitarian Activity in Europe, and establish a European Observatory of Humanitarian activity with recognised data collection laboratories/research centres in each member state.

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
Europäische Union
Soziales Umfeld (Gesellschaft, Kultur, Sprache und Religion)
Politik, Gesetzgebung, Öffentliche Verwaltung
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen