Beginnjahr 2020 Abschlussjahr 2024


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch

The aim of the project is an exchange between European (Austria, Poland) and Southeast Asian universities (Thailand, Vietnam) in the reflection and further development of teaching-learning methods in both academic and non-academic settings. As an innovative approach, phenomenological vignette research in combination with participatory action research (PAR) is applied. In this way, the project tries to respond to the needs expressed by the partner countries Thailand and Vietnam, without falling into the trap of a one-sided transfer of knowledge from here to there. The problem situations for which the partner universities expect the project to provide increased knowledge and expanded action strategies are - in brief - presented as the consequences of overly directive teaching settings, a lack of classroom reflection and a lack of cooperation between the university and the professional fields. Similar problems, albeit more subtle and less perceived, also permeate European educational structures. For this reason, "participative labs", which are developed and implemented together with the partners, should enable learning from each other. In the teaching-learning workshops, teaching-learning experiences are to be brought into a joint reflection process in order to test changes. On this participatory basis, the project will be continuously reviewed and fine-tuned in cooperation with the partner universities and companies of the food and hospitality sector as important economic sectors in both partner countries.

Vignette research as a method of perception and reflection

Phenomenological vignette research is central to the educational and pedagogical approach. By means of vignettes, teaching-learning experiences are to be perceived in a refined way, and to be subjected to subsequent reflection in suitable settings.

A further - and through Covid 19 once again increased in importance - work package of the project concerns the testing of digital learning tools through the experiences of students.

All activities within the project are to take place in a sustainable structure, the "Inspire-Garage".

Internet (pages + downloads)
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