Beginnjahr 2021 | Abschlussjahr |
Institutionendurchführende Institutionen übergeordnete InstitutionenPersonenProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen |
Ländercode Österreich | Sprachcode Deutsch | |
Schlagwörter Deutsch | Europa, Südostasien, Universitätsvernetzung | |
Schlagwörter Englisch | entrepreneurship, network of universities, freelancer, economic development, creative economy, gobalization, South-East ASEA, internationalization of education | |
Abstrakt | The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) is a network of universities, consisting of European and South-East Asian universities with the goal of promoting the continuous internationalization of education and research. ASEA-UNINET was founded in 1994 by universities from Austria, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam as Austrian-South-East Asian University Network and consists today of more than 80 universities from 18 different countries. | |
Internet (pages + downloads) | ||
Hauptkategorie(n) | Schulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen Partner in der Bildung Wirtschaftliches Umfeld | |
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen |