Beginnjahr 2021 Abschlussjahr 2023


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter Englischinstallation, archive, performance, performance documentation, sublation art

Wider arts-based research context/theoretical framework
Archives haunt the contemporary imagination. Facing new storage methods, many disciplines approach archives from different directions. Thus, a hypertrophic use of the word "archive" creates a confusion between the archive's priority or postriority, while archive art either plays with srchival orders or works on the emancipatory potentiol of different orders.
Hypotheses/research questions/objectives
In Mal d'archive, Derrida states a paradox that intertwines archivization with its counterparts that menace the archive. Desmantling the archive understands this paradox as instruction for artistic action and carries it into a specific archive to work on an exemplary art of disappearance. The project develops archival practices that irritate archival orders and focus on the abandonment of objects. Furthermore, documentation strategies reflecting the paradoxical nature of the project will be developed to reintroduce these practices into theory. The conflict between disappearance and documentation should be palpable in the dissemination strategies of the project. Thus, the research questions concern the conflicts and paradoxes of collection, disappearance and documentation, as well as the ephemeric of performance art - can an object tell us something new about preservation in its disappearance?
Level of originality/innovation
There is a high potential for innovation in systematically bringing together the firlds of archiving practices and artistic disappearance. Also, the intrinsic conflict between documentation and disappearance promises to generate innovative impulses for arts-based research in general.


The first project phase explores paradoxes in collecting, the second paradoxes in disappearance, and the third transfers the exemplary approach to new settings. In the first two phases, Dismantling the Archive will work with the archive of the former artist collective Fritzpunkt, which was gathered through long-lasting work with the writings of Austrian avant-garde author Marianne Fritz. In the performative installation of the first phase, documentaries of past performances in the archive will be declared as fiction and at athe same time, unimplemented project drafts will be exhibited as realized. The second phase will work on the abolition of the Fritzpunkt Archive. By becoming a stage, an exhibition and an interactive discourse space the archive will transform and scatter its objects to reveal itself. The third phase consists of two performative installations: On the one hand, Travelling Archives will be exhibited inside a hotel room. On the other hand, an Art Disposal Service will be installed.

Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungstheorie (Themenfeld)
Lehren und Lernen (Prozesse und Methoden)
Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
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