Beginnjahr 2016 Abschlussjahr 2019


durchführende Institutionen finanzierende Institutionen


Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter DeutschQualitätsentwicklung, Universitätsausbildung, Internationale Kooperation, Aserbaidschan

Erasmus+ KA2 Partnership PETRA focuses on the promotion of teaching and learning excellence in Azerbaijan Universities by building capacity, enhancing usage of technology and innovation, providing support for teaching and research, and establishing long-lasting partnerships with European Partners.


The wider objective of this project is promoting teaching and learning excellence, and target groups are teachers, students, and administrators. The specific objectives of the project are to build capacity for developing the teaching and learning process to meet pedagogical and technological needs of faculty at all stages of their career, and improving and providing quality teaching and learning through usage of innovative technology, promoting research, and establishing long-lasting partnerships with European universities. The project will serve identified needs by building the model of excellence in learning and teaching to guide and methodologically support the education process within identified education institutions in Azerbaijan which will further disseminate this idea and model to others. This project will contribute to the progress of teaching and learning processes, building the capacity of university teachers  and enable them to use technology and innovations in their teaching, to link their teaching with research making it evidence-based, collaborate with and learn from European Partners, improve their skills, and enable the students to benefit from these changes.

It is our firm belief that the establishment of TLC will assist the Azerbaijani universities to consolidate both its vision and mission in line with the current National Strategy for Higher Education.

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