Beginnjahr 2019 Abschlussjahr 2022


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


Ländercode Griechenland, Österreich, Polen, Spanien Sprachcode Deutsch, Englisch
Schlagwörter DeutschKMU, Unternehmensentwicklung, Digitalisierung, Digitale Kompetenz

"DigiCulTS - Digital Culture for SMEs" is an innovative approach to support Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs) up to 50 employees to find their place in the digital society. Digitalisation as a transformation process meets all aspects of life. It changes our concepts of the individual, of reality, time, the possibility of representation as well as the archives of memory. It influences our attitude to hierarchies, community, transparency and work life balance. In this societal shift "digital competence is a key transversal competence that means being able to use digital technologies in a critical, collaborative and creative way" (DigComp into Action, 7). To intensify this reflexive perspective on the digital transformation this project links basic digital skills to a more philosophical, cultural studies point of view.

SMEs up to 50 workforces are challenged by the "Digital Revolution" in a very specific way: on the one hand new technologies offer new business opportunities, (almost) independent of size and place to any enterprise. On the other hand resources for change processes and research activities to implement competitive products and services often are lacking. DigiCulTS supports self-reflection by developing and implementing an online self-assessment tool, closely connected with a modularized online course to raise awareness about digital culture. Furthermore, an OER library will be developed and implemented, where users can search for relevant OER material (developed within the project as well as external resources) for their individual learning pathway. 


The DigiCulTS objectives are:

1) Online self-assessment tool: Supporting SME staff and stakeholders to identify their knowledge, skills and competences around digital culture by developing, implementing and promoting the DigiCulTS online self-assessment tool

2) Online Course: Supporting SME staff and stakeholders in their learning pathway based on the results of the online self-assessment tool and promoting awareness about digital culture by developing, implementing, testing and promoting a modularized online course.

3) DigiCulTS OER library: Developing a DigiCulTS OER online library, where users can search for relevant OER about digital culture and SMEs, including a digital guide how to use the library. 


Internet (pages + downloads)
Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungspolitik und Bildungsverwaltung
Wirtschaftliches Umfeld
Information, Kommunikation, Statistik
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