Beginnjahr 2016 Abschlussjahr 2019


durchführende Institutionen übergeordnete Institutionen


ProjektleiterInnen+Ansprechpersonen MitarbeiterInnen
Ländercode Österreich Sprachcode Deutsch
Schlagwörter DeutschLehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung, Werteerziehung, Moralerziehung, Theorie-Praxis-Bezug, Neulehrer/innen

1) to develop and refine via pilot implementation and evaluation iterations a model and curriculum for teacher training and induction based on on-site teams involving representatives of HEIs, school management and teaching staff, school communities, policymakers and the beginning teachers themselves (the 'MIT' model, for Multi-player Induction Teams); 

2) to empower 180 Israeli beginning teachers to play an active role in their induction and capitalize on their unique attributes to serve as agents of change within schools.

3) to improve teacher retention and motivation at 12 participating Israeli schools; target: 20% less drop-out as compared to last 5-year average. we will also develop a BT satisfaction index based on the questionnaires, in which we will expect to find, an increase in the number of 'satisfied BT' of 33% at least.

4) to align training at a minimum of 12 leading Israeli HEIs and governmental and local educational policies with the lessons learned from the MITs


The project aim at enhancing curriculum and tools for improving teachers' training processes in HEI in Israel in relation to induction period, together with strengthening the relation between academia and schools together with schools' management and educational policy makers.

Erhebungstechniken und Auswahlverfahren

PLUS is expected to contribute its special approach towards supporting beginning teachers with solving professional conflicts that arose around discipline problems in their classroom. It is expected that pre-service teachers’ moral conflicts focus particularly on issues of discipline as they struggle between their pedagogical beliefs and expectation from their studies and the schools' expectations to keep students' attention and calmness. To this end solving moral conflicts become a necessity within teachers' professional development and thus should be seen as an issue to deal with during induction and within the MIT's in this project. It is therefore important that the MIT's mentors and pedagogical guides will be well aware of the model, “Values and Knowledge Education” (VaKE) model. PLUS is expected to contribute to the preparation of materials both to the MIT's and to syllabi in the HEI's (WP1.2, 1.3) as well as to evaluation WP 3.1 and is also committed to run 14 days of training especially for studying the VaKE model to (for up to 25 students and stuff). PLUS will also contribute to dissemination event in the third year of the project

Hauptkategorie(n)Bildungswesen (Themenfeld)
Schulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen
Wirtschaftliches Umfeld
Bildungsinhalt (Themenfeld)
Bildungstheorie (Themenfeld)
Mit den Themen des Projekts weitersuchen